Monday, February 6, 2012

February 2012

Happy February!!

Due to the lack of snow during the month of January, we are going to continue with our activities from January. We will also focus on friendship and sharing this month to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Dates to remember:
February 17th is a PA Day and February 20th is family day. No school on those two days.

Letter Focus:

M m
5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.
1 fell off and bumped his head.
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said.
No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!

 Nn Chant

Snow is hot
No it's not
Yes it is
No it's not, snow's not hot!!

1, 2, 3  octopuses.
4, 5, 6  octopuses.
7, 8, 9  octopuses.
10 octopuses in the ocean.

o o says the o.
o o says the o.
o o says the o.
10 octopuses in the ocean.

Pp (sung to the tune of im a little tea pot)

I'm a little penguin
black and white.
I swim in the day and I sleep at night.
Penguin starts with p, p-p-p.
Name other words that start with Pp!!


1. Snow-key Pokey (to the tune of hokey pokey)
You put your mittens in,
You put your mittens out,
You put your mittens in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the snow key pokey
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!!!

(next verses, continue with boots, hat, snowpants, coat and then yourself)

Journal Topics:
*Draw someone you love or like.
*What do you love to do?
*Create a "secret valentine" for someone in the class.

*What do you like to share?

Valentine's Day Poem
Valentine SnowmanI made a snowman yesterday
So jolly, fat and fine.
I pinned a red heart on his chest
And called him Valentine

Day 1:introduce poem, invite predictions, discuss the message

Day 2:read poem together, discuss new/interesting vocabulary

Day 3:read poem together, use poem to introduce or reinforce any new print conceptsWe reviewed sight words: and, on, his, red, etc.

Day 4:read poem together, move/stamp/clap/snap to the rhythm, reinforce print conceptsWe discussed finding smaller words inside words to help decode them... "yes" and "day" in "yesterday"  and "is"
in "his."

Day 5:students add poem to poetry journal, then illustrate and take it home to share with their familiesThey illustrated the poem and then "highlighted" (with yellow crayon) the known words.


1. I Love You, Good Night   by Jon Buller and Susan Schade
*Read this patterned text book several times... the kids LOVE it.  As a
response to the story, students will illustrate and complete the sentence
"I love you like _____ loves ______."
Students may then enclose their work in a decorated pink or red paper
valentine to take home!

2.Froggy's First Kiss by Jonathan London*Brainstorm ways to express friendship to others.  Students make valentine
cards and exchange valentines!