Language Arts
- Identifies front, back, title, and author of a book.
- Demonstrates top to bottom, left to right progression
- Distinguishes letters from words and words from sentences
- Identifies all uppercase and lowercase letters
- Demonstrates knowledge of beginning sounds by printing correct letter symbols with corresponding pictures
- Orally tells what sound is heard at the beginning and ending of words
- Rhymes
- Count the number of sounds in a syllable and the number of syllables in a word
- Reads one syllable ands common words by sight such as "the", "I", "is"
- Makes predictions
- Demonstrates comprehension of stories by orally retelling or acting out
- Identifies characters, setting, and main idea of a story
- Prints name correctly
- Prints alphabet letters legibly without a model
- Uses writing (letters, pictures, and words) to express own meaning
- Writes from left to right and from top to bottom
- Writes some simple words spelled correctly and longer words phonetically (as they sound)
- Identifies the eight basic colors and reads the corresponding color words
- Understands and follows one and two step spoken directions
- Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence
- Sorts and classifies objects by position, shape, size, color, number of corners, etc.
- Identifies, copies, extends, and creates patterns
- Can count to 20 by 1's and encouraged to count higher
- Identifies the five basic shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle)
- Draws the five basic shapes
- Identifies numerals (0-10)
- Labels sets (0-10) with correct numeral
- Compares sets of objects and uses the terms equal, more than, or less than correctly
- Identifies coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
- Joins and separates sets of objects
- Measures length with a variety of non standard measurements
- Compares measurements and uses the terms shorter, longer, taller, heavier, warmer, cooler, holds more, etc. correctly
- Uses positional words to explain location (left, right, on, off, inside, between, above, below, etc.)
- Interprets graphs
- Holds pencils and scissors correctly
- Cuts on lines
- Hops on both feet together
- Hops on one foot (left and right)
- Marches
- Gallops
- Skips
- Puts forth best efforts in work
- Takes care of school materials
- Uses self control to follow school rules
- Works independently
- Follows directions
- Listens attentively to others
- Willingly participates in activities
Kindergarten students are introduced to many science topics as well, but are not expected to have mastered these areas.
Possible Science Topics
- Natural Sciences: animals, plants, weather, space, earth science
- Physical Sciences: magnets, float and sink, etc.
- Health and Safety: body parts, nutrition and food groups, five senses, backyard bugsetc.
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